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The £1 Plastic Card That Changed Everything

Have you ever stumbled upon an old keepsake and thought, "How did I miss this golden nugget of wisdom?" If you have, you're not alone. We’ve been there too many times to remember and we know we’re not the only ones. 

In this post, we'll explore how to:

  1. Unlock the hidden wisdom in your own experiences (even the ones you think are irrelevant)
  2. Make a simple mindset shift that can skyrocket your confidence and impact
  3. Turn your unique story into a powerful message that resonates

Self-esteem is crucial for our growth and achieving our full potential - what we like to call, full beam brilliance (there's a great article about self-esteem from Psychology Today here). It's the foundation upon which we build our confidence, resilience and ability to pursue our dreams. When it comes to writing all the words your business needs to thrive, this is a great first step. 

So grab a brew and let's dive into one of Laura’s stories that illuminates these powerful lessons...

Imagine, an 18-year-old me (Laura), fresh off the plane in Iowa, surrounded by endless cornfields, diving headfirst into the chaos of US college life as an international student-athlete at The University of Iowa. 

During my first semester, my parents sent a care package with a motivational card tucked inside. It read:

"Believe in yourself, and remember that anything is possible. Believe in what makes you feel good and what makes you happy. Believe in the dreams you've always wanted to come true, and give them every chance to."

Plastic card

Powerful stuff, right? But here's the duh moment. I completely ignored it. For years.

That card gathered more dust than a forgotten library book, sitting in my dorm room, then my apartment, while I busied myself with studying, training and living college life.

When graduation rolled around, I was more lost than a tourist without Google Maps. I had no idea what I wanted to do or who I wanted to be.

Fast forward 24 years. That same card now sits on my desk, right where I can see it every time I write. Why? Because it's a constant reminder of the valuable lessons it's taught me.

5 Lessons in Unlocking Your Brilliance

  1. Believing in yourself is a journey, not a destination

It's not always a lightning bolt moment. Sometimes it's a slow burn, like a dimmer switch gradually turning up. But when you finally tune in and own your story? Boom! Your brilliance blinds everyone – including yourself.

This journey of self-belief is deeply personal and often nonlinear. Some days, you'll feel on top of the world, and others, you might question everything. That's okay. The key is to keep moving forward, keep learning and keep believing.

Action step: Start a "Wins Journal." Every day, write down one thing you did well or one step you took towards your goals, no matter how small. Over time, you'll create a tangible record of your progress and capabilities.

  1. Your experiences are your unique voice

Even the detours and disasters are raw material for your story. They're not just part of your journey – they ARE your journey, your unique story. And trust us, someone out there needs to hear it.

Think about it: How many times have you connected with someone's story precisely because of their struggles or "failures"? Your experiences, good and bad, shape your perspective and give depth to your voice.

Action step: Choose one experience you've been hesitant to share. Write about it, focusing on what you learned and how it shaped you. This isn't for anyone else to see (yet) – it's about recognising the value in your own story.

  1. It's never too late to give voice to your dreams

But here's the catch – you've got to be a doer, not just a dreamer. Your words have power, but only if you let them out.

Maybe you've been sitting on a dream for years, telling yourself it's too late or you've missed your chance. That’s not true! The world needs your voice now more than ever. Your unique perspective, shaped by all your experiences, is invaluable.

Action step: Write down one dream you've been holding back on. Now, commit to taking one small action towards that dream this week. It could be as simple as researching related topics or reaching out to someone in that field.

  1. Clarity comes from action, not just thought

The more you write, speak and share your truth, the clearer your message becomes. It's like polishing a gem – the more you work at it, the brighter it shines.

We often think we need perfect clarity before we can act but the opposite is true. Action breeds clarity. Each step you take, each word you write, each story you share – they all help refine your message and your purpose.

Action step: Choose one topic you're passionate about but haven't fully explored. Commit to writing 500 words on it, stream-of-consciousness style. Don't worry about perfection – just get your thoughts out. You might be surprised by the insights that emerge.

  1. Your brilliance is meant to be a beacon

When you start believing in your unique gifts and sharing them authentically, you don't just change your life – you change the lives of everyone you touch.

Your voice, your story, your wisdom – they're not just for you. They're gifts meant to be shared with the world. By shining your light, you give others permission to shine theirs too.

Action step: Think of someone who has inspired you. Reach out and tell them how their words or actions impacted you. This not only spreads positivity but also helps you recognise the power of sharing your own light.

  1. Seek Support and Guidance

While self-reflection and personal effort are crucial, the journey of self-discovery and growth is not meant to be travelled alone. Seeking help from mentors, coaches or supportive communities can accelerate your progress and provide valuable insights you might miss on your own.

And without a doubt, every coach should have a coach. The most successful people in the world have coaches and mentors because they understand that an outside perspective can shed light on blind spots and unlock potential in ways we can't always do for ourselves.

Action step: Identify an area where you feel stuck or could use guidance. Research potential mentors, coaches or communities that specialise in this area. Take the first step by reaching out or signing up for a consultation. Maybe you’re already found who you need by being here on this page! Discover more about how to get our help here.

Overcoming the Inner Critic: Strategies for Success

Now that we've explored these five key lessons, let's dive deeper into how to overcome one of the biggest obstacles to believing in yourself: the inner critic or as we like to call it, the gremlin.

We all have that voice inside our heads that tells us we're not good enough, smart enough or talented enough. But that voice is lying. Here are some strategies to silence your inner critic and amplify your inner cheerleader:

  1. Name Your Inner Critic

Give the gremlin a name! It might sound silly but this simple act creates distance between you and those negative thoughts. When you hear that voice, you can say, "Oh, that's just Debbie Downer talking again." It becomes easier to recognise and dismiss those thoughts when they're not so closely tied to your identity.

  1. Practice Self-Compassion

Treat yourself with the same kindness you'd offer a good friend. When you make a mistake or face a setback, instead of berating yourself, ask, "What would I say to a friend in this situation?" Then offer yourself that same compassion.

  1. Collect Evidence of Your Awesomeness

Keep a folder (physical or digital) of positive feedback, accomplishments and kind words from others. When self-doubt creeps in, review this folder to remind yourself of your capabilities and impact.

  1. Reframe Negative Thoughts

Challenge negative self-talk by looking for alternative perspectives. If you catch yourself thinking, "I'm terrible at public speaking," reframe it as, "Public speaking is a skill I'm still developing. Each presentation is an opportunity to improve because action leads to confidence."

  1. Embrace the Power of "Yet"

Add the word "yet" to the end of your self-doubting statements. "I'm not good at writing" becomes "I'm not good at writing yet." This simple addition acknowledges your potential for growth and learning, which comes from taking action.

  1. Enlist an Ally

Sometimes, our inner critic is too loud for us to combat alone. That's where having a trusted ally – a friend, a coach or a mentor – can be invaluable. They can offer an objective perspective, challenge your negative self-talk and remind you of your strengths when you forget them.

Flipping the Switch on Your Brilliance

So, what wisdom have you been overlooking? What dreams have you been putting on hold because you didn't quite believe in yourself yet? What message do you really want to share that's not quite landing right?

When you start believing in your brilliance and recognise how this serves those who need you and your gifts the most, the magic happens. That's when you start writing with ease, connecting in a way that works and making the impact you're meant to make.

Harnessing Your Story: The Power of Authentic Storytelling

Now that we've addressed the inner critic, let's talk about one of the most powerful tools in your toolkit: your story. Authentic storytelling isn’t just about recounting events -  it's about connecting with others on a deep, emotional level. Here's how to harness the power of your story:

  1. Identify Your Core Themes

What recurring themes do you see in your life experiences? Resilience? Growth? Transformation? Identifying these themes can help you craft a compelling narrative that resonates with others.

  1. Embrace Vulnerability

The most powerful stories are often the ones that show our humanity, including our struggles and imperfections. Don't be afraid to share the messy parts of your journey – they're often the most relatable.

  1. Focus on the Transformation

While the challenges in your story are important, the real power lies in how you overcame them. What did you learn? How did you grow? This is where your audience will find inspiration, you’re showing them what’s possible.

  1. Make It Relevant

Always consider your audience. How does your story relate to their experiences or challenges? What lessons can they take away from your journey? Help them see themselves in your story, so they know what you’re sharing is meant for them.

  1. Practice, Practice, Practice

The more you share your story, the more comfortable and impactful it becomes. Start small – share with friends, write blog posts or speak at local events. As your confidence grows, so will your opportunities to make a bigger impact.

Your Turn to Shine

Remember, your story isn't gathering dust – it's gathering power. It's time to pick it up, dust it off and let it shine.

Are you ready to finally flip the switch and let your brilliance illuminate the world? Here's a challenge for you: Identify one dream you're ready to start believing in. Write it down, say it out loud, share it with a friend or share it with us! Take that first step towards turning up your inner light.

Because when you silence those inner doubts and take that leap, magic happens. Your confidence soars. Your creativity flows. Your impact multiplies.

It's time to stop being the best-kept secret in your industry and start being the full-beam brilliant wonder you were always meant to be.

The Ripple Effect of Self-Belief

When you start believing in yourself and sharing your gifts with the world, you create a ripple effect that goes far beyond your immediate circle. Here's what happens:

  1. You inspire others: By owning your story and sharing your journey, you show others what's possible. Your courage becomes contagious.
  1. You attract opportunities: When you believe in yourself, you start showing up differently. You take more risks, speak up more often and put yourself out there. As a result, new opportunities naturally come your way.
  1. You become a better leader: Self-belief is the foundation of strong leadership. When you trust yourself, others are more likely to trust and follow you. So light the way for those who need you.
  1. You create more impact: With increased confidence comes increased action. You'll find yourself doing more, creating more and ultimately, impacting more lives.
  1. You cultivate a support network: As you open up and share your journey, you naturally attract like-minded individuals who are on similar paths. This network becomes a powerful resource for mutual support, inspiration and growth. It’s what our clients experience in The Illuminators. 
  1. You experience more joy: There's an undeniable joy that comes from living authentically and pursuing your dreams. This joy infects everything you do and everyone you interact with.

The Power of Professional Guidance

While self-reflection and personal effort are invaluable, there's immense power in seeking professional guidance on your journey. Working with experienced mentors or coaches who specialise in helping people unlock their brilliance can be transformative. They bring expertise, objectivity and proven strategies that can help you navigate challenges more effectively and achieve breakthroughs more quickly.

At Stories from Home, we've seen firsthand how our clients experience exponential growth when they invest in professional support. Our programmes are designed to provide the structure, accountability and expert guidance needed to truly illuminate your brilliance and share it with the world. 

Remember, seeking help isn't a sign of weakness – it's a strategic decision made by those committed to reaching their full potential.

Your Brilliance Awaits

Believing in yourself isn't always easy, but it's always worth it. It's a journey of uncovering the wisdom you already possess, owning your unique story and sharing your gifts with the world.

Remember, you are not meant to play small. You are meant to shine, to inspire, to make an impact. Your voice matters. Your story matters. Your dreams matter.

So take that plastic card moment – that nugget of wisdom you've overlooked – and let it be the spark that ignites your brilliance. Because when you believe in yourself, truly and deeply, there's no limit to what you can achieve.

Shine on, wonder. The world is waiting for your light.

Are you ready to embark on this journey of self-belief and impact? We'd love to hear from you. Email us at and share one step you're going to take today to start believing in your brilliance. 

And if you're feeling ready to take your growth to the next level with expert guidance, check out our copywriting and coaching services to see how we can help illuminate your path and accelerate your journey. 

And if you're curious to learn more about our story and how we can illuminate your brilliance, you can read more here.

Together, let's create a world illuminated by authenticity, courage and the power of our stories.


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We're Laura & Becca

PRs, copy coaches, mates, mamas and story obsessives. Between us we've got four kids, three dogs and two husbands. We know first hand how life is a big old juggle and we're here for the ride with you. Running a business (and a family) is hard work but we believe writing about it doesn't need to be. We're here to show you how. We're also here for the thrifty finds, adventure and cocktails.

Becca'sfavourite things

Poolsuite FM

Sunshine vibes and poolside tunes to get me through these long winter days. Download the app to listen on your phone, or mac and and enjoy the preloaded playlists. Pass me a margarita!


Gabrielle Bernstein

I discovered Gabrielle Bernstein in the summer of 2019, inhaling her book The Universe has got your back while on holiday in France. Since then I've literally read her entire repertoire. I can't get enough of her positivity and make picking an affirmation card the first task of my day.


Laura'sfavourite things

Day dreaming

Alone, with friends, family or our clients, I LOVE dreaming up ideas. I believe anything is possible. The first step is allowing ourselves to imagine what those possibilities could be.


Being in the mountains

Mountains, I love 'em. I love looking at them, hiking them and the endless possibilities they hold. Our favourite place to explore in the UK is the Lake District. Whenever we have a spare weekend or day, I jump in our van and head to the mountains.


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