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The power of best friend energy in business

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If you've spent any time with Becca or experienced her magic with words, you’ll already know she has an extraordinary gift. 

On this occasion, they were beyond perfect.

Stepping out of the relative safety net of employment and into the world of business ownership is daunting.

Doing it when you're burnt out and having a crisis of confidence in the midst of navigating early motherhood is terrifying.

I know because I've been there.

In 2016, I was beyond drained, questioning my abilities, choices and future, and exhausted in a way a few good night's sleep couldn't remedy. I was miserable. And it hurt. This wasn't what I'd worked so hard for. It wasn't the life I wanted.

I reached a tipping point there was no coming back from, and the unknown I was falling into felt so terrifying, I was pretty much constantly shaking.

But then something incredible happened.

Over dinner and a shared carafe of sangria one evening, in a restaurant down the street from where we'd first met working in PR 8 years previously, one of my best friends, helped me believe in myself in a way no one else, myself included, had ever been able to do.

Becca saw my potential when I couldn't see out of the hole I felt like I was in (that I'd dug for myself).

Given that she'd already successfully taken the leap away from corporate into self-employment, gave her perspective authority. I was listening.

When I asked her if we could venture into the unknown world of freelance together, she said yes without hesitation.

That simple act of faith and friendship became the foundation of the small-but-mighty copywriting and communications agency we cofounded together shortly after that fateful dinner. 

Eight years later, not only have we built a successful business that gives us both the freedom to be the entrepreneurs, creatives and mothers we want to be, we're helping others achieve their versions of success too.

Our friendship has been our fuel, powering us as we've navigated the many highs and extreme lows we've faced, lows which almost broke us and our business.

It's something we don't take for granted.

Lessons from best friend energy

Here's what we've learned about the power of best friend energy and what it can do for you and your business - whether you're a solo entrepreneur, corporate communicator or a dreamer who wants to be a doer:

Trust and honesty: Having someone you can rely on completely changes the game. Trust creates an environment where honesty thrives, leading to better decisions and stronger strategies. It doesn't mean you won't always make the right decision, but it does mean that when you realise you're heading down a path that's not working, you can put the brakes on and find your way back to where you're meant to be. Having someone who can help you see that and navigate the route is invaluable. And no, you don't need a cofounder for that, but you do need someone who's already walked the path and who you trust has your best interests at heart.

Unwavering support: During the tough times, knowing someone has your back is everything. It's this support that keeps you pushing forward, even when the going gets tough. We've had many slips, trips and falls since we chose the entrepreneurial path, which has cost us heavily but given us even greater wisdom. And while it's most definitely been a bumpy journey, the fulfilment it brings to our work and our lives is beyond measure. But doing it alone isn't a badge of honour we (or anyone) needs to wear, you included. Asking for the help you need and receiving it in a way that makes sense to you is the secret sauce to whatever success looks like for you.

Shared vision and goals: Aligning our visions and working towards common goals has made our partnership not just successful, but joyful. Together, we've been able to recognise what lights us up, how we can help in the most useful and impactful way and create a profitable, purposeful business we're both passionate about. Recognising the true vision - your North Star - isn't always easy. Having someone shine a light on that in a way you can't on your own, is potent.

Transforming my life and our business

Becca's belief in me didn't just help me step out of my misery in employment, it helped me transform my career, my life and my belief of what's possible.

It's one of the many reasons why we now share the magic of best friend energy with our clients, empowering them to thrive in their own journeys as entrepreneurs, communicators, creatives, leaders and dreamers who are ready to be doers.

If you're feeling stuck, exhausted or unsure of your next step, please do yourself a favour - a gift if you like - and get the help you need to set yourself up for success. 

Life is too short and precious to struggle without support or, sometimes worse, the wrong support.

If you’re curious to see how best friend energy could transform your business journey, book a free call with us to explore how we can support you in reaching your goals. Let’s connect and illuminate your path to success together!



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We're Laura & Becca

PRs, copy coaches, mates, mamas and story obsessives. Between us we've got four kids, three dogs and two husbands. We know first hand how life is a big old juggle and we're here for the ride with you. Running a business (and a family) is hard work but we believe writing about it doesn't need to be. We're here to show you how. We're also here for the thrifty finds, adventure and cocktails.

Becca'sfavourite things

Poolsuite FM

Sunshine vibes and poolside tunes to get me through these long winter days. Download the app to listen on your phone, or mac and and enjoy the preloaded playlists. Pass me a margarita!


Gabrielle Bernstein

I discovered Gabrielle Bernstein last summer, inhaling her book The Universe has got your back while on holiday in France. Since then I've literally read her entire repertoire. I can't get enough of her positivity and make picking an affirmation card the first task of my day.


Laura'sfavourite things

Marie Forleo

I discovered Marie Forleo at the end of 2019 and devoured her book Everything is Figureoutable in a day. I love her New Jersey no nonsense approach to problem solving and how she's all about the fun. Because we all need more of that.



Mountains, I love 'em. I love looking at them, hiking them and the endless possibilities they hold. Our favourite place to explore in the UK is the Lake District, whenever we have a spare weekend or day, we throw the tent in the car and head to the hills.


Binge the latest blog posts

We're firm believers your superpower is not just a strength, it can actually shape your brand narrative especially when you build powerful stories around it and foster a deep emotional bond with your audience. But how do you get started?

Writing isn't hard. Getting out of your own way to make it happen makes it hard. Here's 4 things which will help you get out of your own way to stop sabotaging your writing and your business.

If you’ve ever wondered if you’re doing a powerful enough job of getting across how much working with you can change someone’s life, this one’s for you.

By embracing your authenticity and speaking directly to your ideal audience, you’re not only more likely to attract those who genuinely connect with your message, but also cultivate a stronger and more meaningful relationship with them.

Whether you're already embracing the resurgence of blogs or have yet to consider adding one to your website, this post is going to show you why this juicy format of content creation packs a punch.

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