Ready to flip the switch on your brilliance?

Book a FREE 20-minute Illumination Call to explore how we can help amplify your impact (no dimmer switches allowed!)


Get the inspiration and fresh energy to captivate your dream clients with stories that sell out your offers and add wonder to your waitlist.

If you're feeling stuck, with sales trickling in slower than a sloth on a treadmill and your community feels like copycat central, we've got something which can turn things around (with a special yellow sticker bonus you won't want to miss).

It’s time to feel supercharged, confident and re-energised as we help you put the magic of story back into your words and your business faster than you can say “pass the snacks”. So you can start captivating your dream clients with stories that sell out your offers and add wonder to your waitlist.   

Book a Story Strategy before Sunday 23rd June and we'll also write your About Page for you, a saving of £1350 as we infuse it with your signature story and only-you-wonder words. 



The Story Strategy is our favourite way to work with clients. Why? In all honesty, witnessing the 'oh wow!' moments makes our hearts sing.

After years helping businesses and creatives write and share copy and content that connects, we've learned a life-changing lesson: stories wield power. And luckily for you, they already lie within you - isn't that great?! But we know it isn't always easy to find them, especially when you're seeking them out on your own (we struggle and there are two of us!).

It's why we help magic peeps like you find them, dust them off and take them from ordinary to extraordinary. So if you're feeling blocked but want to feel brilliant about yourself, your business and the words you use to share and sell your magic, this is for you.


Our clients call us "The Story Queens"

Not only that, they describe our offers as being like therapy for business. Can you imagine? Sounds good, right? We think so. In fact, we'd hire ourselves if we could! Because we get it, truly.

You've spent countless hours and oodles of energy tweaking your newsletter and Instagram posts, trying new things and making it all look as best you can. But the sales are slow and the connection is like dial up internet circa 1996. The pace feels devastating and if you’re honest, you've considered more than once whether you'd be best to throw in the towel.

It's likely that between your heart and the blank page, you’ve got a bit lost. The noise out there has been so distracting, you’ve forgotten the power of your stories and how to use them. We say it because we've been there, just like so many others.

The good news is, we've got you! After 17 years of friendship, 8 years as business besties and countless happy clients supported, we've discovered our superpower is helping founders and creatives like you reconnect with your story so you can share your brilliance with the world with more ease and even greater impact.  

Your story strategy and story blueprint is your roadmap to success and it's only one click and a call away.


Here's what you'll get  

Asset 287-100


When you discover the wisdom is already within you.

Asset 321-100


When you know how to use the power of your stories.

Asset 339@2x


When you share your wonder through inspired action.

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Unleash your brilliance 

Whoever said, "Two's company, three's a crowd" had clearly never worked with us!

Coaching meets consultancy is a magical duo and when we get together, it's like hanging out around the kitchen table with a glass of something scrumptious and having one of those soul stirring chin wags where you leave feeling oh-so-good about what to do next to move closer to your dream. 

It's like the best friend honesty and support every one of us needs to get a sense of clarity and energetic uplift akin to that first kiss of warm springtime sunshine after a too-long wet winter.

Working with us in The Story Strategy is exactly that.

We'll guide the creation of your very own Story Blueprint - the secret ingredient to creating in a way that magically connects with your dream client's heart, mind and (let's be honest) debit card.

Expect strategy, practical action and a big, beautiful dose of fresh, best friend energy as we guide you to unlock your true potential and learn how to transform ordinary moments into confidence-boosting, offer-converting extraordinary stories.

Let's get you feeling inspired to share stories that make the people you want to work with saying YES.

And so you can say goodbye to blank page paralysis and hello to clarity, confidence and an easy-to-follow story blueprint to help you stay visible and make content creation a more joyful process.


It’s human emotion that moves us to action

If you want your business to thrive and your bank account to sing with delight rather than despair, you must learn how to find your wonder words and the stories to share them so they captivate and connect with your audience.

Think of your story like your DNA - it's unique! It’s the one thing people can’t copy. 

And while we’re not going to promise you this will make you "Become a 7 figure business owner!" or guarantee you'll "Make £10k in 10 days!" blah blah blah (you know the lingo), wouldn't it be nice to add some ease and abundance to your bank account?

We get it. You're here, so it's likely you're doing what you're doing for more than just making money.

But let’s be real for a sec, if you've got a business, surely you want to to make money?

Otherwise, isn't it just a hobby or at best, a passion project? And wouldn't you agree that a few extra zeros in your bank account will help you make an even bigger impact? We think so. 

And we know for a FACT that once you get confident in your storytelling, the 'Yes!' pace picks up, selling doesn't feel sleazy and everything starts falling into place, just like you've been imagining. 

Your stories are powerful so nailing your story strategy is the fastest and most effective way to captivate and connect with customers who want what you have to offer.

Stop hiding your magic from the world and go from ordinary to extraordinary storytelling. Your magic lies within, we'll help you bring it into the light. 


The Story Strategy can help with 

Asset 278-100


Understand the next best step to take

Asset 286@2x


Identify the magic you need to share

Asset 352@2x


Reenergise to take the practical action

Asset 339@2x


Create copy and content creation with ease

Asset 287-100


Engage your audience + sell out your offers



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Until Sunday 23rd June, because we love a yellow sticker find (Becca is an exceptional bargain hunter), we've added something special to sweeten the deal (although once you're in, you'll realise it was already way sweet enough).

Book a Story Strategy this week, and we'll also write your About Page for you for FREE (worth £1350), infusing it with your signature story and only-like-you wonder words. 

But be quick - this freebie isn't hanging around for ever! In fact it closes on Sunday 23rd June. 



As well as feeling empowered and inspired through our soul fuelled conversation - just you and us - you'll receive your very own Story Blueprint filled with your wonder words ready to use in your copy and content creation, as well as the recording of the call for you to refer back to. The narrative equity we uncover will serve you, your audience and your business for the months (if not years) to come.


"Stories from Home hold a space to witness you and pull out your best stories helping you to be your better self. You can't do it all alone."

Pandora Paloma

Magnetism activator and author

"Would 100% recommend soaking up all of the magic these two women share. I worked with Stories From Home recently and can't recommend their services enough."

Amy White

Somatic sexual healing coach and Founder of Temple of The Feminine

You truly are the magical duo! Always my cheerleader. You infuse so much confidence in me. Thank you so much!

Prarthana Rao

Coach and Founder of The Maverick Mum

I had the absolute treat of spending time with Laura and Becca whose energy and enthusiasm has powered me to take some big steps towards a new project which has been bubbling away."


Flower farmer and founder, Gathered at Dusk

"I can’t believe how you both managed to capture my words and what I’ve been trying to express."

Jenny Kaur

Financial Wellness Coach

"Starting my own business was overwhelming with so much to figure out. Then I met Laura and Becca at Stories from Home, and everything changed. They were like a guiding light, helping me strip everything back to basics. Together, we found my true voice."

Sonia Ouarti

Coach, Founder and Angel Investor


(and a little love nudge if you're still on the fence) 

We’re not going to say this will change your life but really, it could. And we're not going to market it to you with how it could make you £5K, £10K or £500K months, but then again, it could. Words are powerful, it's what you do with them that counts.

So if you want access to a tried-and-tested method of pure magic and reignite a passion for your business that's perhaps feeling a little lacklustre, don't bypass this opportunity. You never know, it could be the fastest and easiest way to authentically grow your business.

And if for some reason you say YES but don't leave beaming from ear-to-ear and ready to create and share your wonder words, we'll be shocked (because it's never happened before) and we promise to give you an additional session to get you to happy. 

This is for you if you're ready to reignite your spark to share your message in your voice.

You have what it takes to be a great writer and an even greater business owner. The secret is in your story.


Got a question? 

How long is the bonus available for?

Until the end of June. 

Can I buy a Story Strategy in June but do it in July?

Yes! No problem. 

How does The Story Strategy work?

Once you've purchased The Story Strategy, you'll receive a link to book your call with us. We'll send you a questionnaire for you to complete before the call and then we'll get ready for our virtual kitchen table chin wag (trust us, it's electric). Following the call, we'll send over your very own Story Blueprint, with the stories and words we uncovered ready for you to add to your copy and content with clarity and confidence. Oomph, we can feel the magic from here! 

What will I need to prepare in advance?

We'll send over a pre-meet story starter questionnaire for you to fill in so we can dive in straight away once we get on our call together.

The more you can pour into this the better, as it means we're already starting to tease out those stories before we even begin. 

How much is The Story Strategy?

The price is £980 which includes VAT. 

If you book before the end of June, we're also offering a FREE About Page, written by us. Worth £1350. 

Is The Story Strategy an online-only offer?

If you can meet us within 15 minutes of our little hideaway here in East Yorkshire, we'd be more than happy to meet up for an in person Story Strategy (so long as there's the good snacks).

How long is The Story Strategy?

You'll want up to 30 minutes to complete your pre-call questionnaire. We'll meet on Zoom for approximately 90 minutes.

The format of the call is our magical mix of consultancy meets coaching: Laura will lead the call and get the conversation flowing, while Becca will be pulling out your word wisdom to create the foundations of your Story Blueprint. It's our secret sauce.

Following the call, we'll send over your Blueprint so you can start putting your wonder words into action.  

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